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Neighbours Episode Guide: 1814-1838

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Episode 1814
Network Ten: 19/11/1992
BBC: 27/10/1993
UK Gold: 14/10/1999

Written by Adam Bowen
Directed by Steve Mann
Guest stars
Jill Weir: Lyn Semler
George Carter: Andrew Dicks
Mr Carter: Bill Moody
Customer: Kelly Nash

Debbie and Rick are rescued by an unexpected saviour, and Julie clashes with Dorothy during a live radio debate. Jill Weir's ultimatum makes Doug realise he will have to bring her to her senses if her is to get on with his life. Julie orchestrates the ultimate revenge on the hypocritical Benito, and Doug is shocked by Jill final demand.

Episode 1815
Network Ten: 20/11/1992
BBC: 28/10/1993
UK Gold: 15/10/1999

Written by Jenny Lewis
Directed by Steve Mann
Guest stars
Stephen Gottlieb: Lochie Daddo
Jill Weir: Lyn Semler
Fred Entwistle: Carlo Giardino
Ballot Official: George Ginis
Customer: Rick Fletcher
Nurse: Donna McCrae

Doug takes a calculated risk when the obsessive Jill resorts to extreme measures to win his love. Philip steps into Benito's shoes - but will they fit? The fur flies as council election candidates Julie and Dorothy begin campaigning in earnest, and Phoebe gets an unexpected 18th-birthday gift from Stephen. Lou and Benito reach a business agreement, and who will win the council election?

Episode 1816
Network Ten: 23/11/1992
BBC: 29/10/1993
UK Gold: 18/10/1999

Written by C.M. Covington
Directed by Philip East
Guest stars
Stephen Gottlieb: Lochie Daddo
Percy Slade: Donald Hirst

Philip and Julie's first day of working together doesn't run smoothly. Dorothy clashes with Phoebe over her plans to marry Stephen, and Cameron becomes convinced dubious tactics were used to ensure the success of Percy Slade's council election campaign. Julie oversteps the mark - with dire results for Gaby.

Note: Produced by Alan Coleman Dave Worthington

Episode 1817
Network Ten: 24/11/1992
BBC: 01/11/1993
UK Gold: 19/10/1999

Written by Barbara Angell
Directed by Philip East
Guest stars
Stephen Gottlieb: Lochie Daddo
George Carter: Andrew Dicks
Terry Carter: Lee Cheesewright
Noddy: Richard Piper
Rev. Fitzsimmons: James Taylor
Gavin Heywood: Peter Hosking

Beth fears for Brad's life when he sets out to prove himself, and Stephen and Phoebe suffer another setback in their marriage plans. Debbie and Rick give their concert tickets to a sick boy, while Ramsay Street receives an unwelcome visitor. Gavin Heywood makes Philip an interesting offer.

Episode 1818
Network Ten: 25/11/1992
BBC: 02/11/1993
UK Gold: 20/10/1999

Written by Jeffrey Truman
Directed by Philip East
Guest stars
George Carter: Andrew Dicks
Terry Carter: Lee Cheesewright
Casey Butler: Richard Aspel
Cliff Sandor: Tim Allen
Eddie Garcia and Jennifer Batten: as Themselves

A crisis brings the Willis family back together, and Rick and Debbie experience a brief moment of fame during their trip to London. Brad comes up with a novel promotional idea for the coffee shop, and Gaby makes a shocking discovery.
Scene from episode 1818

Episode 1819
Network Ten: 26/11/1992
BBC: 03/11/1993
UK Gold: 21/10/1999

Written by David Allen
Directed by Philip East
Guest stars
Stephen Gottlieb: Lochie Daddo

Gaby's attitude unwittingly sparks a violent confrontation between Doug and Jim. Dorothy and Stephen have a heart-to-heart, and Gaby faces up to the fact that her parents' relationship is over. Lou's plan to surprise Madge by throwing a party is foiled when the guest of honour is unexpectedly detained.

Episode 1820
Network Ten: 27/11/1992
BBC: 04/11/1993
UK Gold: 22/10/1999

Written by Ray Kolle
Directed by Philip East
Guest stars
George Carter: Andrew Dicks
Terry Carter: Lee Cheesewright
Mr Carter: Bill Moody
Cliff Sandor: Tim Allen
Casey Butler: Richard Aspel

A concerned Lou considers calling the police when Madge doesn't turn up for her surprise farewell party. Helen's illness delays Rick and Debbie's return from England, and, after a taste of English football at Arsenal Football Club, their problems increase when their TV interview is released to the Australian media. Madge says a tearful farewell to all her friends from Ramsay Street, and Julie makes an alarming discovery.

Episode 1821
Network Ten: 30/11/1992
BBC: 05/11/1993
UK Gold: 25/10/1999

Written by Helen MacWhirter
Directed by Ian Watson
Guest stars
Rev. Fitzsimmons: James Taylor

Cathy makes a heartfelt confession to Benito about the coffee shop, and Rick and Debbie's romance runs into serious trouble as a family feud brews - it's Romeo and Juliet all over again. Lou suffers a mid-life crisis on his 50th birthday, and Helen comes to the rescue of Phoebe and Stephen.

Episode 1822
Network Ten: 01/12/1992
BBC: 08/11/1993
UK Gold: 26/10/1999

Written by Betty Quin
Directed by Ian Watson
Guest stars
Noddy: Richard Piper

A prodigal returns to Ramsay Street bringing some more bad news for the Martin household. Jim and Pam's relationship runs into further trouble, and Cathy gets an unpleasant surprise on her return home. Helen breaks some bad news to Cameron and Beth.

Episode 1823
Network Ten: 02/12/1992
BBC: 09/11/1993
UK Gold: 27/10/1999

Written by John Upton
Directed by Ian Watson
Guest stars
Carol Chapman: Julie Dawson
Detective no. 1: Glenn O'Hara

Benito comforts Cathy in the aftermath of the break-in. Lou invites Cameron and Beth to live with him in the hope they will spruce up his old-fashioned image. Helen persuades Jim to take another woman to the fund-raising ball in an attempt to end his relationship with Pam, and her plan leaves Pam bitterly disappointed. Doug, Brad and Gaby are reunited, while Julie is outraged to discover than Pam has been having a relationship with her father.

Episode 1824
Network Ten: 03/12/1992
BBC: 10/11/1993
UK Gold: 28/10/1999

Written by Michael O'Rourke
Directed by Ian Watson
Guest stars
Drunk: Rick Fletcher
Customer 1: Brenda Palmer
Customer 2: Bruce McBrien

Preparations for Stephen and Phoebe's wedding are disrupted by a shocking discovery. Brad receives an unexpected and exciting offer at Gaby's expense, while estranged couple Doug and Pam fall victim to a family conspiracy. Rick helps Benito to make a sale at the car yard, and a death in Ramsay Street has implications for Dorothy and Toby.

Episode 1825
Network Ten: 04/12/1992
BBC: 11/11/1993
UK Gold: 29/10/1999

Written by Wayne Doyle
Directed by Ian Watson
Guest stars
Noddy: Richard Piper
Gavin Heywood: Peter Hosking
Serena: Bianca Campbell

1992 Series Finale
Dorothy and Toby's plot looks set to be uncovered, while Brad is still convinced that he is better qualified than Gaby for the position of bar manager. The Martin family moves into their new home, and Phoebe's wedding plans suffer a setback when she goes into labour. News of the cottage fire brings Stephen's bucks night to an abrupt halt. Cameron goes undercover to try to find out the truth about Gavin Heywood's business operations, but his investigations lead him into a deadly situation. Brad risks his life to rescue Beth and Hannah when they are caught in a blazing inferno - can he save them?

Available on the Neighbours: The Iconic Episodes Volume 2 DVD collection.

Scene from episode 1825

Episode 1826
Network Ten: 11/01/1993
BBC: 12/11/1993
UK Gold: 01/11/1999

Written by Chris McTrustry
Directed by Richard Sarell
Cast List
Guest stars
Gavin Heywood: Peter Hosking
Investigator: Peter Williams
Baby: Laura Pearson

1993 Series Return
Brad rescues Beth and Hannah from the burning building. Phoebe gives birth, but her baby's health is immediately jeopardised. Cameron's sudden change in behaviour puzzles Beth. Hannah is hospitalised after the cottage fire - could Michael be responsible?

Note: Updated opening titles
Available on the Neighbours: The Iconic Episodes Volume 2 DVD collection.

Scene from episode 1826

Episode 1827
Network Ten: 12/01/1993
BBC: 15/11/1993
UK Gold: 02/11/1999

Written by Ian Coughlan
Directed by Richard Sarell
Cast List
Guest stars
Gavin Heywood: Peter Hosking
Baby: Jessica Allen-Wetzler

The life of Phoebe's baby hangs in the balance. Stephen starts to be unsure about his marriage to Phoebe, but Phoebe's only concern is for her baby's health. Beth arranges a seaside trip in an effort to help Brad's fear of water. Cameron is stunned by Gaby's new admirer, and the problems between Julie and Michael worsen.
Scene from episode 1827

Episode 1828
Network Ten: 13/01/1993
BBC: 16/11/1993
UK Gold: 03/11/1999

Written by Roger Moulton
Directed by Richard Sarell
Cast List
Guest stars
Gavin Heyhood: Peter Hosking
Matthew Forrest: David Le Page
Receptionist: Natalie Lewenberg

Cameron warns Gaby against dating his new boss, while the mystery surrounding Heywood deepens. Cathy and Benito are outsmarted by their own ingenious security system, and Phoebe is disappointed when Stephen wants to postpone the wedding. Debbie plays a game of revenge after a disappointing job interview.

Episode 1829
Network Ten: 14/01/1993
BBC: 17/11/1993
UK Gold: 04/11/1999

Written by Ray Kolle
Directed by Richard Sarell
Cast List
Guest stars
Matthew Forrest: David Le Page
Sue-Ellen: Susan Arnold
Mrs Russell: Linda Morris

Debbie gets her revenge on a chauvinist, and Benito is forced to swallow his pride when the Alessi family spend a night at the Robinson house. Rick and Debbie agree to cool their relationship. A glamorous stranger dashes Doug's hopes of reconciliation with estranged wife Pam, and Toby begins to worry about Dorothy's future.

Episode 1830
Network Ten: 15/01/1993
BBC: 18/11/1993
UK Gold: 05/11/1999

Written by Adam Bowen
Directed by Richard Sarell
Cast List
Guest stars
Annalise Hartman: Kimberley Davies
Jordan Farnsworth: Jay McCormack
Tom Merrick: Robert Essex

Pam is outraged by Doug's idea to put the house on the market. Toby plays matchmaker for Dorothy, and the devious Michael cooks up more trouble as he plots to get rid of stepmother Julie. Lou finds a new woman in his life - Beth's spunky pal Annalise. Brad is put to the ultimate test on a fishing trip with Doug.

Episode 1831
Network Ten: 18/01/1993
BBC: 19/11/1993
UK Gold: 08/11/1999

Written by Margot Knight
Directed by Steve Mann
Guest stars
Rescue Officer: Androo Allen

Lou discovers the secret of youth, but Benito warns Lou that he risks making a fool of himself over his infatuation with Annalise. Brad manages to swim ashore when he and his father are swept out to sea, but the search for Doug proves fruitless and has a long-lasting effect on the Willis family. Benito outsmarts himself as a car salesman, but his joy is short-lived.

Episode 1832
Network Ten: 19/01/1993
BBC: 22/11/1993
UK Gold: 09/11/1999

Written by Rod Zielinski
Directed by Steve Mann
Guest stars
Vagrant: Keith Kay

With his wedding imminent, Stephen gets some disturbing news. Doug is furious when he finds Pam has given his clothes to the Salvos. Brad plans a Balinese surfing trip, and Michael plots revenge on stepmother Julie.

Episode 1833
Network Ten: 20/01/1993
BBC: 23/11/1993
UK Gold: 10/11/1999

Written by Jeffrey Truman
Directed by Steve Mann
Guest stars
Tom Merrick: Robert Essex
David Gottlieb: David Murray
Sally Dawes: Jane Little
Rev. Richards: Anthony Fletcher

Stephen's concern about his eccentric parents proves unfounded when they save the wedding from disaster by providing the music and the catering. Phoebe is delighted when an unexpected guest arrives, and Debbie makes a surprise announcement - she tells her parents she is going to become a nun. Later a new romance is born. Julie lets it all hang out at the wedding reception, with a helping hand from Michael.
Scene from episode 1833

Episode 1834
Network Ten: 21/01/1993
BBC: 24/11/1993
UK Gold: 11/11/1999

Written by Jenny Lewis
Directed by Steve Mann
Guest stars
Tom Merrick: Robert Essex
Gavin Heywood: Peter Hosking
Noddy: Richard Piper
Sister Alice: Barbara Leane

Debbie's devious plan to get back with Rick backfires, and Heywood's dodgy dealings shock Doug. The romance between Dorothy and Tom heats up, but then she has second thoughts and makes an inexplicable decision. Benito and Jim bury the hatchet and enjoy a round of golf, while Cameron's future looks decidedly uncertain.

Episode 1835
Network Ten: 22/01/1993
BBC: 25/11/1993
UK Gold: 12/11/1999

Written by Barbara Angell
Directed by Steve Mann
Guest stars
Gavin Heywood: Peter Hosking
Sgt Bowen: John Bishop
Cliff Ritter: Ian Lawless

Cameron pieces together Heywood's puzzle with the help of Gaby and 'Frank'. Benito resorts to dubious tactics after challenging Jim to a game of pool. Lou is the happiest man in the world as his relationship with Annalise grows stronger, but Beth's suspicions about Annalise are confirmed when she finds the newcomer locked in a passionate embrace. Heywood clashes with Cameron after a visit from the police.

Episode 1836
Network Ten: 25/01/1993
BBC: 26/11/1993
UK Gold: 15/11/1999

Written by Ray Kolle
Directed by Philip East
Guest stars
Fiona Hartman: Suzanne Dudley
Eric: Brian Davison

Beth confronts Annalise and demands that she tells Lou the truth. Jim still struggles with his feelings for Pam, and Cameron is tempted by a quick way to solve his financial problems. Lou's love life suffers an unexpected setback when Annalise's mother arrives.

Episode 1837
Network Ten: 26/01/1993
BBC: 29/11/1993
UK Gold: 16/11/1999

Written by David Allen
Directed by Philip East
Guest stars
Fiona Hartman: Suzanne Dudley
Craig Slater: Daniel Tobias
Sgt. Bowen: John Bishop

Lou is shocked to discover Annalise's age, but manages to talk his way out of a sticky situation. Cameron soothes his guilt with a generous gesture, and Rick's plan to revive his relationship with Debbie goes wrong.

Episode 1838
Network Ten: 27/01/1993
BBC: 30/11/1993
UK Gold: 17/11/1999

Written by C.M. Covington
Directed by Philip East
Guest stars
Tom Merrick: Robert Essex
Craig Slater: Daniel Tobias

Debbie is overjoyed when her parents relent and allow her to start seeing Rick again. Dorothy finds happiness again with Tom, and Michael's cunning scheme to make Julie look like a raving lunatic begins to take effect. Toby has a nasty accident in the kitchen.
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